Advisory Board
Introducing a featured advisors ofOmniOne Open DID.

- Chair of the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector Study Group 17
- Member of the Personal Information Protection Commission
- Honorary President of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
- President of the 16th Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
- Chair of the KISA ISMS P Certification Committee
Many domestic companies hope to grow into global companies and that the technology developed in Korea will become an international standard, but there will be not many actual success stories.
That's why I think the open source disclosure of the OmniOne Open DID by RaonSecure represents a leap forward in the national security and certification industries beyond the challenges of a company.
Although it is a globally recognized IT industry in Korea, the competitiveness of Korean software in the global market was not very high.
Now, I sincerely hope that OmniOne Open DID, which will realize the high ideals of K-Security and K-DID, will be able to promote Korean software competitiveness to the world.

- Undersecretary for E-Government, Department of Information and Communications Technology
- Founder & CEO, Multisys Technologies Corporation

- Co-Founder Accountable Digital Identity Association (ADIA)
- Co-chair IDtrust Member Section Steering Committee
- FIDO Alliance Board Member
- Rapporteur Identity management architecture and mechanisms
- Trust Over IP.Foundation Steering Committee Member

- Head of Change Management Component
- Head of Implementation of EDUS Applications
- Digital Health Project Manager, Innovation and Contract Administrator
- Active member and Board of Directors member of the Ibero-American Association TeleHealth and Telemedicine (AITT) and member of the editorial board of the Journal
- Systems Analyst, QA, Software Architect and Project Coordinator at CCSS ICT Directorate

- Director of the Blockchain Service Research Center at the Ministry of Science and ICT
- Member of the Management Evaluation Committee for Public Institutions at the Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Member of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology, ICT Convergence Expert Committee
- Member of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, Defense Industry Technology Protection Working Committee
- Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (Technology Management Policy)

- Member of the Industrial Ecosystem Subcommittee of the Digital Platform Government
- Executive Chairman, REWorld Forum
- CEO, Macrovia Partners
- Executive Director, iPark Silicon Valley

- Member of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, UNESCAP

- Chair of the Blockchain-Based Technology Committee of the Intelligent Information, Telecommunications Technology Association
- Editorial Board Member, Annals of Telecommunications
- Computer Science Director, Korean Association of Scientists and Engineers in France
- Editorial Board Member, The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences

- CEO, Zkrypto Inc.
- Staff Software Engineer, ARM Inc. Irvine CA,USA
- Post Doctoral Researcher, UC Irvine, CA, USA
- Post Doctoral Researcher, Research Institute of Advanced Computer Technology, Seoul, Korea

- Chair of the Technology Convergence Subcommittee of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Creative Economy Dissemination Committee
- President of the National IT Industry Promotion Agency
- Expert Member of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology
- Chair of the Software Policy & Research Institute
- Executive Director of the Korea Defense SW Industry Academy Research Association

- President of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
- Director of the KOREA Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center
- Chair of the CONsortium of CERT

- PR & Communications Lead, Kaia DLT Foundation
- PR & Communications Lead, Krust Universe
- Vice President, Hill+Knowlton Strategies
- Manager, Briman Communications
verification service that opens up a hyperconnected era.